When I have to pick a single favorite page of comics I have done so far, this is the only one that ever comes to mind:

Maybe there are some clues and lessons in there.
I sent it to people as a 2019 New Year’s Card, so this is an archive post, but an old process tweet popped up today and I thought the blog would be a much better place for the accompanying page from the notebook that shows the entirety of the script1:

Things are rarely this straightforward when I work on them – one page of preparation to one page of comics – but more and more I’m thinking maybe they could be. The next A+M short was written in a very similar way, it worked right away, and I haven’t been able to invent any reasons or ways to complicate it in the meantime– that seems like a good sign.
(as a bonus, here’s one more drawing of Acca that wasn’t on the website like the rest. The file is very high res, so if you open it in a new tab, you’ll be able to see the ink and exactly where I cut the screentones2. The floating bits of paper tie into the first story with A+M that I did in 2017.)

1) scribbled at night (you can tell by the handwriting), when I was too tired to be encumbered and slowed down by the usual “no, no, must do this Properly.”
2) I’m probably not the best person to learn from on how to apply screentones (properly)
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