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Category: work for hire

  • And to wrap up the archival Lobster week, one bit from the last story I did, The Empty Chair.

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  • Continuing Lobster week and stepping a year earlier with this one. All the covers back then started as watercolor thumbnails. That was a pretty satisfying way to figure things out, as well as a good method of keeping it simple in terms of color.

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  • This is for a graphic novel that has so much going on that I thought the best course for the cover would be to include everything (or at least as much as fits on one page).

    I don’t know why the release image is missing the Dark Horse logo in the top left corner, though, but the roughs below have it.
    Edit: It bothered me so much that I went in and added the Dark Horse logo myself. (Why even bring that up? Because balance takes at least fifty times as long as the drawing part, usually– it’s a chronic cartooning condition that eats up the brain. See black areas below.)

  • Last year I spent a fun afternoon coming up with some “home-made” costume concepts for an IKEA ad. The idea was that the girl in it progresses from making cardboard outfits as a child to growing up into a career in 3D and VFX. The final commercial mashed together pieces of my other ideas, but these were my favorites as drawings.

    (Free Halloween idea, and maybe the green screen one can work in some sort of St. Patrick’s Day scenario too.)

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  • Variant cover for the new Si Spurrier + Charlie Adlard + Sofie Dodgson + Jim Campbell book.

    Original thumbnail and rough: