(the story so far)
drawing fotozozo personal work quotes the what and the how uncategorized work for hire writing
(the story so far)
Three quarters of this year were an unusable crawl, and the remaining quarter was working under an NDA, but for the holidays it’s personal program only, so the next* new years card is in progress–
* (2025, hopefully, not 2026)
Don’t wait until you feel differently about yourself, (…) don’t wait until you feel you’re up to the task. You’re up to the task, right now, to start.
Ira Glass
Advertising work generally isn’t too exciting to post, since it tends to be a person using a new phone, or a closeup of a shoe, and usually there’s about six minutes total to draw it all, but a while back I did a few pictures for a sports promo that had a different setting — not sure if it even got shot, but drawing the rain was fun (for six minutes).
(These could, as always, also be filed in the “why don’t you just draw comics this way (and at this speed)” folder.)
Maybe I can’t do comics just yet, but I can do pictures that take as long to read as one — this cover was for an old friend Goran Sudžuka’s (and Stephanie Phillips’) new book, so I wanted to go all out on it if I could.
And the last one, sooner than I expected–
A hiatus with work and blog (and literally everything else, but that part’s not new), because of the body very much not cooperating again, but there’s still covers I didn’t get to here. More unexpected subject matter too. In anticipation of the last cover, here’s the first four —
(you should be able to click on them and just use the arrow keys)
The danger in technology is not the power the technology has, which can be misused by a person, but that the natural flow of the use of technology argues for banality and conformity and the mundane. And it argues against the unexpected and the accidental and the perverse. So my only advice to music technology people is to be very careful when you automate the process of making something prettier, or regulating something. It’s now kind of normal for people to tune their vocals in the studio to the extent that one vocalist is just as good as another; for a lot of utilitarian tasks, it could be anybody. And as tools become more powerful, you run the risk of reducing essentially everyone to interchangeable elements, because the quirks and the idiosyncracies and the oddities that make us able to discern the difference between one person and another, those disappear. (…) The natural utility of [these tools] argues against the irregularities and the perversities that make music brilliant rather than delivering what is expected.”
A few uphill weeks in a row again, but some recent covers are coming out, so here’s one:
I don’t draw animals that often but I had a stretch this year where for a few weeks everyone asked me to. This story at least suggested a very graphic treatment. (The cat one was my favorite as a picture, though this one is better as a cover.)
This inverted version, when I was mailing the file, was also fun, but the cover was already finished, so it goes in the “accidental good ideas” folder for some future use.
I continue to work on a couple of stories after the new years one, and I continue to not want to share them before they are done — but I also get tired of only posting covers, so here’s a rough panel from one of them that doesn’t spoil anything.
Today’s small part of this year’s program of allowing myself to put in at least as much time and effort into personal work — off the clock, on my own time — as I would put in on work for others.
Or, since I can finally allow such a thought: more.
One from last year that was just too slow to make it to press in time– I remember it being a particularly impossible period so I’m amazed I managed to draw even the patterns — though without the color I probably consider it only 40% done, if that much.
This issue is out at the end of February, I think, so here’s one of my favorite pictures from last year.
During the silence while I was finishing the A+M comic, I forgot to mark the occasion of the blog making it through a full year. Hooray. I still think it was a good idea.
So what now, in year two? More new pictures, hopefully, and maybe more personal stuff beyond the new years cards. But since new work doesn’t exist until it’s complete (I have by now finally learned not to announce anything except in retrospect), today a few more bits from the archive — one of the many obsolete versions of a next thing.
More impossible times lately, but trying to use the few OK minutes to work on the card. I missed pages. I only did two in all of 2023 (the previous card). Here’s to more than two in the new year, and I hope you’re all having a nice quiet time until then —
“(…) to affirm life without lying about it.”
drawing fotozozo personal work quotes the what and the how uncategorized work for hire writing